Getting Your Music On Playary and Stream Is Easy

We welcome all artists...

What is Playary for Artists?

Playary for Artists is platform to connect with fans, share your sounds, and grow your audience

Distribute your music on Playary

We deliver your songs for free with everyone

Pay $0 to share unlimited albums & songs

We do not charge any money to share your music. Share all your songs on Playary for free

Find your community

Share your work with daily listeners around the world

See your stats

See which fans are listening to your tracks the most and where your top fans are located

Instant availability

Your songs are available when you publish them. No need for approval

Create Your Unique Profile

Create your artist profile and fill your unique information. Upload your profile picture, gallery and banner image. Show information to your audience about you.


Publish Your Releases

Create all your releases in one place. You can release singles, EPs, or albums.

Mobile & Tablet

Playary for Artists iOS App

Download on the App Store

Mobile & Tablet

Playary for Artists Android App

Get it on Google Play

All Information About Your Release

Upload your music files, album art, and album metadata.


There's more

Playary provides much more features for you

Get Extra Revenue

Get extra revenue by showing your merch to your audience in Playary

Sell Merch About Yourself

This can be a limited edition vinyl, a classic band t-shirt or a patch to put on your jacket – more or less whatever you want related to your artist or band.

Share Your Concert and Tour Information

A great way to inform your fans about your band`s next concert is to promote it on Playary. You can add your whole tour schedule and Playary will list to your fan viewing your Playary artist page


Is Playary for Artists free?

How do I get access to Playary for Artists?

How many albums can I share in my profile?

You can share unlimited number of albums and songs on Playary for free. We don't charge any money to share your works on Playary.

How can I give feedback for Playary for Artists?

Is Playary for Artists is free?

How do I get access to Playary for Artists?

How many albums can I share in my profile?

You can share unlimited number of albums and songs on Playary for free. We don't charge any money to share your works on Playary.

Somebody shared my song in Playary. How can I remove it?

When my stats updated?

How are streams counted?

What is listeners?

Listeners are unique listeners who streamed your song. When a listener listens your song 30 times in a day it will be counted as 1 listener.

Who are followers?

What is my top songs and albums?

Can I list songs and albums stream count?

You can list your most streamed songs and albums in 'Most Listened Songs' and 'Most Listened Albums' report.

Can I see number of streams, listeners and followers day by day?

How can I add my concerts to my profile?

Can I add my old concerts to Playary?

Does Playary receive payments from my concerts?

No, we don't get any payments from your concerts.

Does Playary sell concert ticket?

What information is required for my concert to appear on Playary?

What are you waiting for?

Save tracks, follow artists, build playlists and share your works with the world. All for free.

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