Playary Web App Changelog

February 26, 2020

  • Artist can now share their concerts in their profile

February 7, 2020

  • Song credits added to song profile.
  • Artist merch option added to artist profile.

August 4, 2019

  • Artist fan count added to artist profile.
  • Playlist follower count added to playlist profile.
  • Playlists can not be reported.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed to a blank search on the search page.
  • Added shortcut to "App Settings" page in sidebar.

July 18, 2019

  • Turkish translation has been added. Users can change default language to Turkish now.

April 10, 2019

  • Users can clear search history.
  • In album detail page, other albums of artist shown.
  • Play button added to album detail page.
  • If there was no other song in the queue, the song started to play randomly.

March 30, 2019

  • Popular songs for artists added to artist profile.
  • Podcasts now can be filtered by category.
  • An automatic search was made when the user stopped typing on the search page.
  • Users can now view search histories.
  • For the logged in users, the viewing status on the movie detail page is shown.
  • Tooltip added to player control buttons.

Article updated at 7/19/2023.

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